This past week, I traveled to Beverly Hills to attend a very
interesting conference organized by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery.  The meeting
focused on advanced facial rejuvenation techniques.  Hundreds of surgeons from around the world,
including Brazil, the Netherlands, New York, Miami, and even Beverly Hills were
in attendance (there may have also been some doctors you’ve seen on TV before).
We discussed advanced surgical techniques for facelifts,
necklifts, eyelid surgery, and forehead surgery. We also covered the myriad of
non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation, including every dermal filler,
every laser, and every non-surgical machine you have ever heard of.
What are the benefits of me attending conferences like this?
        –  They are a great way to reconnect with my
colleagues in the facial plastic surgery world. I also get a chance to meet
many more during the meeting. As a whole, the community of facial plastic
surgeons is very small compared to most surgical specialties worldwide. I
really enjoy seeing familiar faces and being a part of an organization that
works to advance our areas of expertise.
        –  These meeting are incredibly stimulating for me
as a surgeon.  Throughout our careers, we
are constantly striving to improve.  Even
the most skilled, most famous surgeons in the world are always looking to
improve.  Discussing ideas and learning
from my colleagues not only helps me sharpen my skills, but also gets me
excited about the future of the practice and the possibilities that are yet to
        –  I connect with cutting-edge companies and
vendors who are developing the new, groundbreaking machines that we incorporate
into our practices. I see something brand new that is being developed at every
meeting I attend.  The future of facial
rejuvenation is very exciting!
        –  They’re tons of fun!  I had a chance to see some old friends and
catch up, exchange stories of our adventures through medicine, and share ideas
and experiences that have shaped who I am as a surgeon.  It is fun to experience Beverly Hills, if
only for a few days.
After returning to Reno, I felt rejuvenated.  I had a great time during my trip, but there
is no place like Northern Nevada.  I brought
home a lot of new ideas and exciting plans for the future of Sierra Nevada
Cosmetic and Laser Surgery.  I also
reinforced my own techniques for all of my surgeries and procedures.
I bring all of this back to my patients and strive to
provide you with the most advanced, state-of-the-art facial rejuvenation
options available.  I’m looking forward
to our next meeting, this fall in Nashville.
Here’s to the beautiful human face,

         –    Dr. Yamamoto