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New Year’s Resolutions for the face

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2016!  What are your New Year’s resolutions? Keep your face in mind when making yours this year.  Remember, your face is the most delicate and most personal part of your body.  Treat it well and do those little things it deserves to stay fresh and youthful.  Resolutions for your […]

What is a laser facial peel?

What is a laser peel? Lasers have come a long way over the past several decades.  They have been used in facial plastic surgery for a long time, but new technologies have made them better and better.  The lasers of the past have been replaced with newer, safer, more effective ones.  While medical lasers have […]

Hiding Incisions in Facial Plastic Surgery

A very common question I get at virtually all my consults is: “where are the incisions?”  This is a very valid question and something that every patient should understand well.  As facial plastic surgeons, how do we plan incisions that are not noticeable? We can use three main areas that help hide any potential incision […]